Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Don't Look Towards the Skyline

Fairy tales aren't meant to come true.

There is a wonderful book, called The Court of Airs, that I read a few months ago. Unfortunately, I never finished it, because I lost the book mid-way through, but that's not the point I am trying to make. Molly, a character in the novel, was forced into prostitution at the beginning of the story. Her madame told her that if there truly was a Prince Charming in her life, he made a wrong turn along the way. She encouraged Molly to only focus on her future and her life--not to depend on any man.

Within this same novel, another character said something along the lines of not to look up for salvation, but to make your own here on earth.

It was wonderful.


Because it is true.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am a spiritual person. I believe there is a higher being in the universe and my destiny and fate might be in His hands. But, at the same time, I also believe that you have to work for your journey. I don't trust everything in the hands of my Savior; I have to be self-sufficient, too. It's the only way to survive in this world. You have to survive--along the way, you might enjoy life's little joys, but you have to make your own happinesses. I'll stop and smell flowers and take pictures of my friends, but I also know that one day, those things might be gone and I better make the best of the good times now. Soon enough, it might all be gone.

I'm extremely content with life right now. I've felt like a lost puppy for a while, but it's also nice to live in ignorant bliss and enjoying the little things that have come my way.

Enjoy life, readers. It might be your last.

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