Friday, April 1, 2011

Out of character

It bothers me that I can't get this blog to double space between paragraphs. I could play with it some more and probably figure it out, but in all seriousness, I am writing in a stream of consciousness anyways, so my thoughts are kinda flooding together. Still, it's nice to have some type of organization. I did the most ridiculous thing just now. I reached out to a total stranger. This is completely abnormal for me, asking for anything from anyone. But, as things are happening right now, I need a stranger's advice who, I believe, is in the same boat as me, or at least has been there before. It wouldn't surprise me if this stranger decides to play me off as a creepier, ban me from ever talking to her again, and going on her merry way without the slightest thought of me ever again. If there is a higher being in this world or beyond, my prayers might be answered through her correspondence. I would like some peace of mind, and I might get it through her. If not, I guess I'll have to find other means. Really, though, talking to a person that lives in your town makes you a little bonkers in the head. You know someone knows your secrets living 20 minutes down the lane from you. Are they going to tell someone you know? Are your problems going to influence your future career? Are they talking? Questions like this come up in my head. Sorry, there is no such thing as confidentiality. Humans have mouths, and we use them in the negative light more than we realize. So, asking for help on the internet from a complete stranger feels better. I can trust that she won't tell...since she doesn't know me. She doesn't live in the same town as me (but she lives where I once called home...I hope to move back one of these days). She doesn't know anyone I know (that I know of. There is a thing called six degrees of separation and I know that shit's real). She's safe. Something led me to her, and I hope whatever did allows her to see my plight and give me insight. I just want some insight.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how people come in and out of our worlds? It all happens for a reason I believe ;)
